Saturday, November 13, 2010

Day Twenty-Three

So I finally have some new food pictures to show! I actually cooked dinner tonight, finally using up some ground turkey I've had in the freezer for ages. I also did the sweet potato fries thing again, this time in traditional fry shape. I did the burgers on the George Foreman and they turned out awesome...nice and thin. Pictures...

I was inspired by Kalyn's Kitchen's Grilled Middle Eastern Turkey Burgers, but didn't have all the ingredients, so I improvised a bit. I added the goat cheese which was delicious! I didn't even need sauce on them.

Who needs McDonald's when you can eat this? Yummy!

For exercise today, I half-danced/half-cleaned for a little over an hour. That's right...I organized my room, got all my summer clothes packed away, vacuumed, changed the sheets, did three loads of laundry, and did lots of running up and down the stairs! And danced when the activity allowed for it. :) I meant to scrub down the bathroom too, but it started getting late and I have a paper due and a test on Tuesday so I had to do some writing and studying. But I made some progress on both of those so it was a good, productive day.

Today's food:

Omelette w/ goat cheese and mini turkey pepperoni - 175
Morning star veggie links - 80
Coffee w/ creamer - 60

1/4 cup chicken salad - 111

Turkey burgers w/ goat cheese - 210
Sweet potato fries - 162

Turkey bites - 80
Jell-o sugar free snack cup - 60
Fat free whipped cream - 30
Chobani non-fat Greek yogurt (vanilla) - 140

Total: 1108

I didn't do well with fruits or veggies at all today, but I'm running low on both, and I'm trying not to go back to the grocery store as I'll be going home for Thanksgiving this Thursday and I'll be gone for a week. But I might have to make an emergency spinach run!


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