Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 219

First thing I did this morning was sit down and start writing out a grocery list so I can make some tasty dinners next week. A) It's high time I posted some pictures and B) my Mom is about to be out of town for a month and I have to have a plan in place so that my Dad and I don't end up at Chick-fil-a every night. I'll tell you what, it sure is nice to have a place to stay while I get my future worked out, but it is a whole lot harder to be responsible and stick to a routine when I'm at the parent's house. Part of it, of course, is the fact that I'm essentially on vacation, at least from school. I've been doing well enough with eating, but exercise is a struggle. Not that that is anything new.

I weighed in yesterday and hadn't lost anything (though when I weighed in on Wednesday I was down a pound, so maybe the scale was fibbing yesterday, lol?), so I've jumped back onto counting calories. At least, until we ate out for dinner and I had a margarita, which I'm pretty sure put me over my count. Yikes! So I'm going to need to get that under control. I have an app on my phone now that I can track my calories on, which makes things much more convenient, so I have no excuse!

And exercise. I've been doing ab workouts, but I know that's going to get boring real fast. The toe is pretty much healed, so I have more options now. I might just have to strap a water bottle on my leg and brave the heat for walks, as walking is really my favorite way to exercise. On the days I work mornings I can probably walk to the daycare, provided the temperature is reasonable...last thing I want to do is show up sweaty for work. Ick. Whatever I do, I simply cannot sit on my tush all summer! Totally unacceptable, obviously. Must get some strategies in place.

But I have been following plenty of good habits, completely avoiding the cookies, cupcakes, bagels, candy, you name it that have been in the kitchen at work over the last two weeks. Between birthdays, graduating preschoolers, and general showers of unhealthy food, there have been a lot of high-cal goodies under my nose at work lately, and I've passed them up with surprisingly little trouble. It's so great to feel like I have control over that! In the past, I not only would have gotten a cookie or cupcake, it would have been on my mind pretty much all day, and every time I went into the kitchen to do something, I would have swiped a little bite. Not anymore! Seriously, all that junk has had very little appeal to me lately. Why mess up a good thing, right?

So anyways. I've got recipes in line and I'm getting ready to head to the grocery! Need to print out coupons first, though. All that fresh stuff gets expensive!

You guys are awesome sauce! Thanks for rooting for me, and I'll be back with (hopefully good) news shortly!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 214

Jumped on the scale to some GREAT news today! I waited a couple of days past my usual Friday weigh-in as I wasn't sure how much my less than perfect eating last weekend would effect the numbers, but lo and behold, I hopped on today to see a friendly little 196.4 on the scale! That's another 1.8 pounds, folks!

I'm getting to a point where I'm ready to change my goal weight from 170 to 140. 140 was always the real goal, but I guess I went with the more achievable 170 in the beginning so I wouldn't freak myself out with the knowledge that I had 100 pounds to lose. Now that I'm almost halfway there, I know beyond a doubt that 140 is perfectly achievable for me! But still, I might leave it at 170 until I actually hit it, just to give myself another big milestone to achieve.

Really for the first time now, I'm beginning to notice how much better I feel, physically and emotionally, having lost so much poundage. I really began to notice over graduation weekend, when I not only allowed my picture to be taken, I asked for my picture to be taken, and once it was, I actually enjoyed looking at myself in them. I could picture how those days would have been had this weight loss journey never happened. I would have been uncomfortable in whatever dressy outfit I had found to wear. I would discourage picture taking. I would hate what I saw in the pictures I was obliged to pose for.

That in itself made the weekend so memorable and fun...I didn't feel like a tub of lard, and there was no trace of that hopeless feeling I used to get that I would never find a way out of my weight problems. Now, with so much weight gone, I not only have more energy and optimism, but my whole mindset has changed. And, obviously, for the better.

So the goal for this week is to get some recipes together, cook a few meals, and get some exercise in. I got two bouts of my ab workout in last week, so if I can double that this week that'll be the ticket! Love you awesome people, and I'll be back to check in soon!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Day 210

So after the craziness of finals, graduation, and the ensuing wedding/after party, I've finally arrived for a new post! I'm really having to crack down on myself and get into a rigorous routine, as I'm officially home for the summer and in danger of sliding into lazy habits if I'm not alert and organized about exercising and healthy eating.

Considering how much cake, candy, and other junk that has been put in front of me since last Friday, I've managed to make pretty good choices. I had a modest slice of cake both at the wedding and my graduation party, which I didn't beat myself up about...I mean, weddings and college graduation are pretty special occasions, right? But those were my only splurges...otherwise I stayed hooked on protein, fruits, and veggies. I got active on Monday to work it all off, spending six hours hauling boxes up from the garage and organizing all the stuff I moved out of the apartment. I still have a ways to go with all that, but at least my clothes are put away! So that burned off a good amount of calories right there. Then on Tuesday I did my ab workout for the first time since I broke my toe! It felt awesome, although I'm still super sore from it. Got to get back in shape! I think my toe is about ready to go back into a shoe, so hopefully I'll be able to change up my exercise and get some walking/treadmill in soon.

I know that after so many weeks of being unable to have any kind of exercise routine, it's going to be difficult to get back on track, but I'm determined to do it! It's another thing that's going to take organization, especially with the heat we're about to have (which means I'll actually have to hit the gym!) but I know I can do it. I just need to keep myself really busy, otherwise I'll get sucked into the laziness of summer and sit around reading and putzing around on the computer all day!

Luckily, I should be pretty booked with three jobs this summer - the daycare, website stuff for Aunt Ann, and an internship with Lil' Ol' Me that I'm super excited about! Let's just say I'll be blogging, tweeting, and web designing my little fingers off. In fact, my laptop will generally just be in my lap a whole lot, so all the more reason to get a schedule going for exercise!

Anyways, I hope all is well with you all, and I plan to have some food pictures to upload soon! Cooking dinner is another part of my organization plans...must have good healthy things to eat!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 201

Oh my gracious we've passed day 200 and I didn't even know it! Well isn't that just dandy, as I swooped right under 200lbs last Friday to a exciting 198.2!

So I just turned in the very last paper of my college career, and of course the first thing I had to do was scoot on over and give my poor neglected blog a little sugar! More Splenda, really. But you get my drift. I wish I could be more jumping for joy over the fact that I don't have to write another paper for a very, very long time (Fate, don't even think that's me tempting you to set me on a path to grad school!), but I had to get up at 5AM this morning (it was really more like 4:45...thanks Gigi) to make it back to Athens for an 8AM final.

You may ask: Did you do that on purpose?

No. No I did not.

I was just hanging out with mi madre last night around this time, uploading Lindsey's graduation pictures to Facebook and generally just hanging out. I just happened to check our class website somewhere in between all that, being all extra prepared and looking up what time my final was scheduled on Wednesday. I look at the date my professor posted, which clearly says "May 10." I think, hmmm, that's funny, today's the ninth, but tomorrow is Tuesday...

Yeah, it clicked into place pretty fast. I buried my face in my hands and groaned, "Mom, I have a final tomorrow at 8AM."

Hello, 5AM.

Happily, I made it back to Athens safely, despite my grogginess, and against all odds somehow plowed through that three hour final. Yes, it took me all three hours, which is great on an English exam as it means you have enough info in your head to keep your pencil scrawling away for three hours straight. Despite the fact that I hadn't reviewed half of the material, I think I scraped through pretty well. We'll see on Monday!

Oh, and I made the same mistake with the other final paper that I mentioned in my last post as being due Wednesday night, but somehow I figured that one out several days ago. I have no idea why I was unable to apply this knowledge to my exam. All's well that ends well, I guess! At least I got done with everything a day earlier than expected.

But yeah, I am wiped out. You may have already guessed, but I didn't cook anything tonight. Maybe tomorrow, when my vacation begins!!!

Love you all. Can't wait to venture into the one hundreds with you guys!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 195

So I literally had to drag myself over here to post. Not that I don't love y'all and this blog, but it's finals week and I'm pretty swamped. I'm mostly done with a final portfolio for one class due tomorrow at 3, at which point I have to crank out a final paper for Friday at noon. Then I have to read read read and write write write to get ready for my final next Wednesday and finish writing another final paper for Wednesday night. Whew. Then I'm DONE. Oh yeah, and a college graduate!!

Can you guys believe how close we're getting to Day 200? I know I say this every time I hit a big number milestone, but I never thought I'd make it this far. And going strong! I'm going to break that 200lb mark this Friday, I just know it. We'll go above 200 in days and below 200 in pounds!

Although this may be partially due to studying through meals and forgetting to eat. Like tonight...I pounded out 9 straight hours of portfolio work, then realized around 8 that I was practically faint with hunger...and I never get faint with hunger! Somehow, I summoned the energy to put together a nice spicy shrimp dinner, but not enough to track my camera down and take pictures. Ah well. So I need to make sure I have snacks handy. At least I haven't gone to the other extreme and stocked up on bags of candy in order to munch my way through finals! YIKES. That would be some serious bad news.

Oh, and I forgot to post about last Friday's weigh-in! Sheesh I'm behind. Anyways, I was down another 1-point-something on Friday, putting me ONE puny little pound away from the big 40! (Or is 199 officially when I hit the big 40? Whichever.)

It's occurred to me just now how weird it will be after graduation, when I won't have to write constantly. Hopefully that will mean better and more frequent blogging! Gotta keep those writing skills sharp somehow, right? Although I can't say that I do my most inspired writing on here. It's much more of a stream of consciousness thing. :)

Actually, at this point I'm pretty surprised that words are coming out of me at all. Considering the amount of use my keyboard has seen today, I should be speaking in random dingbats and long strings of periods by now. Like @#(*(&$%! and ................

So comparatively, I'm doing awesome.

Wish me luck and strength to get through the next few days! Hopefully I'll be back here to post at least by Friday...gotta let you guys know if I broke 200, after all!

Can't even do calories right now. Suffice to say I did not exceed 1000. I didn't have anything green either. *shame and chastisement*