Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Day 195

So I literally had to drag myself over here to post. Not that I don't love y'all and this blog, but it's finals week and I'm pretty swamped. I'm mostly done with a final portfolio for one class due tomorrow at 3, at which point I have to crank out a final paper for Friday at noon. Then I have to read read read and write write write to get ready for my final next Wednesday and finish writing another final paper for Wednesday night. Whew. Then I'm DONE. Oh yeah, and a college graduate!!

Can you guys believe how close we're getting to Day 200? I know I say this every time I hit a big number milestone, but I never thought I'd make it this far. And going strong! I'm going to break that 200lb mark this Friday, I just know it. We'll go above 200 in days and below 200 in pounds!

Although this may be partially due to studying through meals and forgetting to eat. Like tonight...I pounded out 9 straight hours of portfolio work, then realized around 8 that I was practically faint with hunger...and I never get faint with hunger! Somehow, I summoned the energy to put together a nice spicy shrimp dinner, but not enough to track my camera down and take pictures. Ah well. So I need to make sure I have snacks handy. At least I haven't gone to the other extreme and stocked up on bags of candy in order to munch my way through finals! YIKES. That would be some serious bad news.

Oh, and I forgot to post about last Friday's weigh-in! Sheesh I'm behind. Anyways, I was down another 1-point-something on Friday, putting me ONE puny little pound away from the big 40! (Or is 199 officially when I hit the big 40? Whichever.)

It's occurred to me just now how weird it will be after graduation, when I won't have to write constantly. Hopefully that will mean better and more frequent blogging! Gotta keep those writing skills sharp somehow, right? Although I can't say that I do my most inspired writing on here. It's much more of a stream of consciousness thing. :)

Actually, at this point I'm pretty surprised that words are coming out of me at all. Considering the amount of use my keyboard has seen today, I should be speaking in random dingbats and long strings of periods by now. Like @#(*(&$%! and ................

So comparatively, I'm doing awesome.

Wish me luck and strength to get through the next few days! Hopefully I'll be back here to post at least by Friday...gotta let you guys know if I broke 200, after all!

Can't even do calories right now. Suffice to say I did not exceed 1000. I didn't have anything green either. *shame and chastisement*


Lindsey said...

hahaha Labels: exhaustion, finals, meals, shrimp . you are hilarious. I love you and reading your blog! I can't believe how close we are to being real people. Its scary! I can't wait to see you this weekend and give you a huge under 200 lbs hug! You are so awesome! Good luck on the rest of your finals!! LOVE YOU SIS xoxoxoxoxoxoox

Jane said...

I am SOOO excited for you!!!!! Just saw the Friday weigh-in at 198.
WAY TO GO, GIRL! This is huge. And you've lost it the smart way too. Learning to eat self-prepared healthy foods and not some prepackaged meals. I hope you're as proud of yourself as we are!!

Love and huge hugs,
Auntie Jane

PS - Good luck finishing up all your school work! That's also huge! I'm looking forward to celebrating with both you and Lindsey.

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