Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day 161

Found something cool today...for a bunch of new, neato ways to view the blog, go to:

Anyways, the day went pretty well today. For some reason I've really had to struggle to get myself to exercise this energy levels seem to have taken a downturn. I really didn't want to today, but I made myself, and I was glad that I did! I ended up doing my ab workout, since the weather wasn't so great, and it felt good in the end. But I reeeeaaaallly didn't want to. I think I must still be suffering from spring break recovery, and it didn't exactly help that I extended the vacation by going to Asheville last weekend! But I'll get it together. Don't got no other choice!

I had a super delicious salad for dinner today with avocado, tomato, edamame, bacon bits, olives and spring mix greens. It was SO good! But I've got to get back to my recipes. I feel like the hours, days, and weeks have just been flying by the time I get done with homework and other stuff, it's 5 or 6 and I just don't have the energy to cook. I think I just need to get myself organized and go back to planning my meals at the beginning of the week. Of course, I don't expect myself to cook an all-out meal everyday, but having a plan always helps.

So I'm not sure how weigh-in is going to go tomorrow...eating was fine, but I've only exercised twice so far this week. I still have time to get my four in before Sunday, but I'm not sure what the scale is going to say tomorrow. Hopefully it won't be bad news!

I'm sure that next week will be a better week. I have all weekend to get my act together, so it better be!

Thanks, as always, to everyone! Y'all are great!

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 159

So wow, total blogging FAIL this past week. I feel like a lot of my entries have been prefaced in a similar fashion lately. Ah well, what can you do? School gets in the way. Last week I had this massive video project to do for my Writing for the Web class. Of course, I didn't get nearly as much done over Spring Break as I could have, so I was stuck staying up every night last week until 12:30 or 1 to get it done. I guess I should be grateful I didn't have to pull any all-nighters! But I finished it in the end. Sadly, I did so at the expense of keeping up with the blog. But we're going to try and make up for lost time this week!

Anyways, things have been going very well since I last posted. I spent the weekend in Asheville with Ginny and we were uncharacteristically healthy the whole time. No candy or junk food in sight. It's really great that we can encourage and support each other in our getting-healthy endeavors, rather than sabotage each other by going straight for the junk as soon as we get together. We did, however, discover a wild turkey in Ginny's backyard, which was a surprisingly good flyer despite its gigantic size.

Despite my crazy busy week, I did make the time to do a little cooking. I made two really delicious things, the first being Susie Bee's Alternative to Plain Burgers, which turned out incredible. I found this amazing Masala Tandoori naan at Trader Joe's which was my carbohydrate splurge for the week, and used it in place of a bun. With that juicy burger and the simple yet delicious sauce, this burger was full of WIN. See for yourself:

I mean, yum, right?

I also made a Chevre Souffle from French Kitchen in America, which I ate for breakfast one morning. More amazing deliciousness! It was nice to have something besides cereal, and the creamy goat cheese and spices made this such a tasty meal. I definitely recommend it.

I also made Kalyn's Greek Meatballs, but accidentally overcooked them so they weren't pretty enough for a picture. I'm definitely going to have to try them again sometime, because they were full of promise! All the spices were great...I just got all wrapped up in my project and didn't keep a proper eye on them. Oh well.

I almost forgot! Weigh-in on Friday went great...down another 1.2 pounds! I took my walk today, which felt great. I'm probably going to be stuck with indoor exercise the rest of the week, since it's supposed to rain pretty much straight through until Friday, so I'm glad I was able to get out today!

Things at school should be relatively calm this week, so hopefully I'll be able to do more cooking. I haven't been to the grocery yet, and I'm trying to be pretty conservative with my money for the rest of the month, but hopefully I can come up with some interesting and tasty recipes to try!

Love you SO much, all of my wonderful cheerleaders! Y'all is da bomb!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 152

So despite my good intentions, I went off the blogging radar over spring break. I did cook a couple of nights, but I totally forgot to take pictures, and otherwise just got out of my routine. I did stick with good eating and exercising though! Which is probably why I surpassed the 30lb mark (I weighed in this morning and was 207.6!) and am now well on my way to the 100s!

I really can't wait until I turn that first number on the scale from a 2 to a 1. I'm finally starting to feel the weight loss in my body...for example, I looked at my thighs at one point over spring break and was surprised at how much smaller they looked. My clothes still seem to fit about the same, though I have gone down a bra cup size, which is not exactly appreciated. I would much rather lose from the stomach or booty! Oh well...a smaller size is always welcome, no matter what the clothing item is.

I just got back from the grocery, but for some reason when I was looking for recipes before going I really hit the doldrums...I just couldn't get excited about most of the things I came across. I think this was mostly because I was hot (it's currently 80 in Athens and I had only just turned the AC on) and the prospect of eating a hot meal was not very appealing. All I could think about was cold salads! So I got plenty of salad stuff. I also got a pound of ground beef, which I haven't had in a while, in order to make Susie Bee's Burgers and Kalyn's Greek Meatballs. I got some chicken too, in case I decide I want some later in the week.

I also discovered some yummy chipotle hummus at Trader Joe's! Very very tasty. Sadly, although they usually have the biggest, most delicious avocados of all the grocery stores I frequent, they were puny and expensive today. So I only got one, planning to go back to Walmart or Kroger later in the week if I need to. However, Trader Joe's did not disappoint with their Gala apples! I had one a minute ago and it was kind of amazing. Although this may be partially due to the fact that I was starving!

Oh, and a quick question...why in Sam Hill are sunflower seeds so fattening? I mean, they're tiny! And yet, 18g of fat for a 1/4 cup. Seriously, sunflower seeds? Seriously? They're practically pure fat.

But I bought some anyway. After much hemming and hawing. I mean, they're good on salad. Just have to make sure I moderate!

Love you all. Thanks for keeping up with me. You guys are the best!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Day 144

So even though it's spring break, I'm determined to keep up with blogging (and eating and exercising) this week! I've done pretty well with the exercising over the and I took a long walk on Friday, and we all played tennis together yesterday! So that's all been really good.

I've also planned out a few meals for this week. Just got back from the grocery store, actually! So I'm well equipped both for dinner and for snacks. I think that will definitely help me stay on track. I've been craving sweets lately, so it always helps to have plenty of healthy alternatives around.

In other good news, I was down another pound on Friday! That puts me less than a pound away from the 30 lb mark! Hooray! Sometimes it feels like it's going so slowly, but I'm willing to be patient. Just gotta keep chipping away at it!

I brought my camera home, so hopefully I'll have plenty of fun pictures to share this week. Hopefully I'll be back later tonight to post pictures of dinner!

Onwards and upwards! (Or downwards, if we're talking about pounds!)

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Day 140

Sheesh, I've been such a slacker about blogging this week! It's just been a crazy week at school with all the  midterm exams/papers my professors crammed in before spring break. But now I'm only one paper away from freedom, so hooray for that!

I ended up not doing a lot of fun cooking this week, as I figured it wasn't wise to buy a lot of food since I'll be gone all week next week. So I've basically been surviving off salads and omelettes for dinner. I'm going to make sure and get recipes together for when I go home though, to make sure I don't fall into bad habits over vacation!

But otherwise it's been a great week. I've done my ab video twice as well as my walks, and my abs are definitely feeling it! For the first time I've actually been feeling a little bit skinnier. Not a whole lot, but there are little things I'll pick up on, like when I put a hand on my hip, that I suddenly notice feel smaller. Yay! I have a feeling the next ten pounds are going to make a big difference in the way I feel. I might have to throw a party when I get under 200!!

So that's the sum up for this week. Hopefully I'll do some cooking next week so that I'll be sure to keep up with the blog. I love you all so much, and thanks for being such awesome cheerleaders! What would I do without you?

Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 137

Hi all! Sorry for the long silence. I took a breather over the weekend and recharged my South Beach batteries. I'm going to go back to Phase One rules this week and steer clear of carbs, in hopes of burning those pounds off a little quicker! I haven't really been eating that many carbs, but I figure it can't hurt to cut back. Especially because next week is spring break and it might be a little harder to stay on track while I'm on vacation.

I did 30 minutes of my ab workout today! It's great, I've gotten to where I can do everything they do in the video, even though I have to work a little harder. I hope my abs are grateful. But the repetition feels really good...that belly better start shrinking!

I made a delicious salad for dinner tonight, but it didn't look like much, so I didn't take pictures. I discovered beef bacon at Trader Joe's today, which is half the fat of pork bacon. So I thought I'd give it a try and see if it was better than turkey bacon. Well, it definitely is! There's not as much crunch or crisp as in pork bacon, but the flavor and texture is so much better than turkey! It was great on my salad, and since I only eat bacon on salad anyway, I think it's safe to say I'm a beef bacon convert! Plus it doesn't have any nitrites, which are what really make bacon bad for you.

Otherwise, I've been working like a dog on various school professors decided to make everything due the week before spring break, of course. So I've got 2 papers, a video project, and a midterm to complete before Friday. Pray for me, and don't be shocked if I go missing for a day. I planned meals for this week though, so hopefully I'll have some fun pictures to share!

Oh! By the way! Weigh-in on Friday was finally good news! I'm down 1.2 pounds to 211.8! Woohoo!!

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 133

So unlike Tuesday, I had a big burst of energy today! I got out for my walk and really pushed myself, walking a lot faster than I have been...I got back and kind of collapsed for a few minutes. Then I jumped back up, turned up the jams, and started dance-cleaning! My room looks so nice and clean right now...I really had let it go. I even whipped out my Mr. Clean Magic Eraser and got all the shaving cream can rust and other gunk off the tub. And I dusted. And I did four loads of laundry. And I changed the sheets.

Go figure.

Unfortunately, doing all that cleaning kept me from going to the grocery store and getting the rest of the stuff for the shrimp I was supposed to make tonight. So instead I made a really great Greek salad! Banana peppers, olives, artichoke, a slice each of genoa salami, pepperoni, and capocollo, and spring mix with a olive oil/lemon juice/mediterranean herbs/salt n pepper dressing. No pictures, since it was essentially the salad I made a couple of weeks ago, so you'll just have to use your imaginations. It was mmm mmm good, just like me!

So tomorrow is another Friday! Hopefully weigh-in will be good, although considering the slow start to the week, I'm not getting my hopes up for a lot of loss, but just losing anything will make me happy! If I can keep walking like I walked today, I will definitely start seeing those pounds come off!

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Day 131

Whew. Don't know what happened to me today, but I really hit a wall with my energy levels. I got home from class and just didn't want to do anything, didn't want to exercise, do homework, read, watch TV, go to the grocery store...I was just wiped out. Not sure why. I'm hoping I can scramble everything together tomorrow...maybe I just need a good night's sleep. But it was a pretty lethargic day because of that.

I did scrape together enough energy to make dinner tonight: Salmon Cakes!

I over-salted them, so they weren't as good as they could have been. But I made a really tasty improv sauce w/ greek yogurt, light sour cream, Spike seasoning, horseradish, salt, pepper, and a touch of olive oil. It turned out great!

I also just wanted to comment about how wonderful sugar-free gum is for sugar cravings. I was all in the mood for sugar, but as soon as I popped some gum I was good to go!

So here's hoping I get a boost of energy tomorrow! Thanks to everyone for keeping me going!