Monday, March 7, 2011

Day 137

Hi all! Sorry for the long silence. I took a breather over the weekend and recharged my South Beach batteries. I'm going to go back to Phase One rules this week and steer clear of carbs, in hopes of burning those pounds off a little quicker! I haven't really been eating that many carbs, but I figure it can't hurt to cut back. Especially because next week is spring break and it might be a little harder to stay on track while I'm on vacation.

I did 30 minutes of my ab workout today! It's great, I've gotten to where I can do everything they do in the video, even though I have to work a little harder. I hope my abs are grateful. But the repetition feels really good...that belly better start shrinking!

I made a delicious salad for dinner tonight, but it didn't look like much, so I didn't take pictures. I discovered beef bacon at Trader Joe's today, which is half the fat of pork bacon. So I thought I'd give it a try and see if it was better than turkey bacon. Well, it definitely is! There's not as much crunch or crisp as in pork bacon, but the flavor and texture is so much better than turkey! It was great on my salad, and since I only eat bacon on salad anyway, I think it's safe to say I'm a beef bacon convert! Plus it doesn't have any nitrites, which are what really make bacon bad for you.

Otherwise, I've been working like a dog on various school professors decided to make everything due the week before spring break, of course. So I've got 2 papers, a video project, and a midterm to complete before Friday. Pray for me, and don't be shocked if I go missing for a day. I planned meals for this week though, so hopefully I'll have some fun pictures to share!

Oh! By the way! Weigh-in on Friday was finally good news! I'm down 1.2 pounds to 211.8! Woohoo!!


Jane said...

Welcome back. I've come to love your posts, although I don't remember to look every day.

Your determination is admirable. And although progress may be a bit slower, it hasn't stopped.

You may be surprised to hear that you've inspired me to fix a few new dishes. I made a Beet Gratin this evening that was quite tasty but too much effort for a weeknight. Keep it simple stupid (KISS) is a good motto for weeknight dinners.

Best wishes on all your projects/midterms.
And I hope you have some fun plans for Spring Break!

Jeano said...

Birdie. You are almost to the 190's. Hee hee. Are you coming home next week? What's the plan? things sound great and I love your stick to it ness. Love U babes. Daddy is snoring beside me but he is cheering for you in his dreams. zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz I'm going to the Art Show w/ Aunt Jane on Sat. You can come too. xoxoox

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