Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 159

So wow, total blogging FAIL this past week. I feel like a lot of my entries have been prefaced in a similar fashion lately. Ah well, what can you do? School gets in the way. Last week I had this massive video project to do for my Writing for the Web class. Of course, I didn't get nearly as much done over Spring Break as I could have, so I was stuck staying up every night last week until 12:30 or 1 to get it done. I guess I should be grateful I didn't have to pull any all-nighters! But I finished it in the end. Sadly, I did so at the expense of keeping up with the blog. But we're going to try and make up for lost time this week!

Anyways, things have been going very well since I last posted. I spent the weekend in Asheville with Ginny and we were uncharacteristically healthy the whole time. No candy or junk food in sight. It's really great that we can encourage and support each other in our getting-healthy endeavors, rather than sabotage each other by going straight for the junk as soon as we get together. We did, however, discover a wild turkey in Ginny's backyard, which was a surprisingly good flyer despite its gigantic size.

Despite my crazy busy week, I did make the time to do a little cooking. I made two really delicious things, the first being Susie Bee's Alternative to Plain Burgers, which turned out incredible. I found this amazing Masala Tandoori naan at Trader Joe's which was my carbohydrate splurge for the week, and used it in place of a bun. With that juicy burger and the simple yet delicious sauce, this burger was full of WIN. See for yourself:

I mean, yum, right?

I also made a Chevre Souffle from French Kitchen in America, which I ate for breakfast one morning. More amazing deliciousness! It was nice to have something besides cereal, and the creamy goat cheese and spices made this such a tasty meal. I definitely recommend it.

I also made Kalyn's Greek Meatballs, but accidentally overcooked them so they weren't pretty enough for a picture. I'm definitely going to have to try them again sometime, because they were full of promise! All the spices were great...I just got all wrapped up in my project and didn't keep a proper eye on them. Oh well.

I almost forgot! Weigh-in on Friday went great...down another 1.2 pounds! I took my walk today, which felt great. I'm probably going to be stuck with indoor exercise the rest of the week, since it's supposed to rain pretty much straight through until Friday, so I'm glad I was able to get out today!

Things at school should be relatively calm this week, so hopefully I'll be able to do more cooking. I haven't been to the grocery yet, and I'm trying to be pretty conservative with my money for the rest of the month, but hopefully I can come up with some interesting and tasty recipes to try!

Love you SO much, all of my wonderful cheerleaders! Y'all is da bomb!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

that burger looks delicious and I don't even like burgers! You are so close to the 100's I can't wait to go shopping:) Love you sister!!

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