Sunday, February 12, 2012

Goodbye, 180's!

That's right, everyone...I've left the 180's behind. I hopped on the scale this evening and was greeted by a friendly little 179.2! If I needed any more confirmation that exercise is essential, there it is.

Oh yeah, I've been exercising...I took 4 30+ minute walks this week! Talk about progress! I don't know where the breakthrough came from, but it seems like it only took one little walk to rev me I don't know why I ever stopped.

So the next thing to organize is meals...I've been eating small portions, but I need to incorporate a lot more veggies! Which means I'll be on a recipe hunt after I finish this post. But man, it's such a boost to see results on the scale. It means I'm less than 10 pounds away from my original goal! WOW! It took me a little while to get my groove back, but now that I've stopped making excuses as to why I can't exercise, I think I'm on my way.

Here's to getting back on track! Now I just need to get the word out that I'm back on my blog! :)

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


Yes! That's right! We're moving forward, people. I got on the scale Sunday night to find myself down another 1.4 pounds (hooray!!), and although I haven't worked up to counting calories yet, my eating habits have been excellent and I'm feeling pretty darn good about myself at the moment. 11 pounds away from my original goal! I can DO this!

Oh, and I exercised! Man, crazy to think that one walk would be an achievement after the days when I used to be in the habit of doing it at least every other day, but it's been so tough to get myself going that it took some effort to make myself do it. But I did, and it felt AWESOME. I mean it. I got such a high from being out on such a beautiful day, getting my heart rate up, and rocking out to my old workout jams. I don't know why I don't do it everyday, because it feels great. So that's got to become a regular thing. I'm going to try to squeeze another one in before I head off to work at 1...I know Gigi will appreciate it!

Things are moving forward in other areas as well. I've been on the job hunt and have started printing out promising opportunities, rather than simply leaving them open in a browser window until I forget about them. I'm thinking that at the very least I can land some freelancing jobs -  it will fill out my resume at least! I'm doing everything with baby steps, but seeing as my half birthday was yesterday, I have to keep in mind that I'm officially on my own in six months. I've taken over my phone and car insurance payments, so I'm inching forward towards actual adulthood. :)

So I've just got to keep my eyes on the prizes: my health, a job, and my own place!! I can't forget that this is actually an exciting time in my life, with so many possibilities ahead of me! Got to quit fretting over what I can't change and attack the things that I can. Forward ho!

Addendum: Just took my measurements too, after realizing I hadn't done so since July! I've lost another 1/2 inch from my neck, 3 from my waist, 1 from my hips (curse you hips!), and 1 from my bust! *happy dance*

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Day 1 (again!)

That's right, we're back at day one again. It's been so gosh darn long since I've been on this blog that the address doesn't come up in the suggestions when I start typing it in my browser. There have been too many days to even go back and count since the last time I posted.

Not cool, Campbell. So not cool.

I lay awake last night berating myself for being so bad at following through with things. But I regret nothing so much as not following through with this blog! It helped me so, so much throughout last year, and I have no good excuse for letting it go other than laziness.

Life has not exactly been thrilling since graduation...I'm back working at my trusty daycare, back at the same place I worked at in high school. My resume is underwhelming, my energy levels are in the tank, and browsing job listings stresses me out like crazy because it makes me feel like I'm not qualified for anything. Not to mention that it's January and I'm still living it home...I've basically just been coasting since I moved back.

So that ball of fun, along with a job that can be rather taxing at times, has led to a breakdown in my good eating and exercising habits. I come home exhausted everyday, so that I'm just not mentally prepared to go out for a walk, even if I'm probably physically capable of it. With all these things weighing on my mind, my stress-eating has gotten out of control. Not so out of control that I have a bag of M&M's stashed in my bedroom, but there have been times when it's come close. Happily, I've been able to maintain my weight, but I haven't really lost anything since I got back from England.

My problem is that whenever life gets stressful, particularly when I'm frustrated at myself, the world, or whatever for not working the way I want it to, my strategy is to simply escape. Be it a book or a TV show or an iPhone game, I dig myself a nice cozy hole and bury myself in it, so I don't have to think of all the things I should be doing instead. I do this until I cannot possibly escape any longer, and finally force myself to act.

Well, I'm about at that point right now. In a little more than six months I'll be 26, closer to thirty than twenty and on my own as far as health insurance goes. So I need to find a real job with benefits, or face taking on a full time position at the daycare (again) to get insurance. And I really can't let that happen.

The key for me, I think, is to take control of the things I can control, like eating. I can't make anyone hire me, and it's going to take some hard work to whip my resume into shape, but myself I can take care of right now. I'm in total control of my eating and exercise, and it's purely my choice whether to succeed or fail in that arena. I think that once I start losing weight again, it will boost my self-confidence to the point where looking at job boards and going to interviews isn't such a stressful thing anymore. When I get myself together on the things within my control, then I can start to attack the things that aren't. But as long as I'm feeling down on myself for abandoning my healthy habits, I'm not going to be able to move forward.

So what I need to do first is to get my brain back to a place where food is not my top priority. Back when my good habits were in place, food wasn't the first thing on my mind all the time, and exercising was part of my routine, not some difficult thing I had to work myself up to. Those are my goals for this week - downgrade food, upgrade exercise. If I can get out and exercise twice this week, I will consider it a major success! I'll be up in Asheville this weekend, so maybe Ginny and I can go on a hike.

Thanks for listening to my ramblings, and wish me luck! I know I can jump back on this wagon, so it's time to get busy!

P.S. I'm totally aware that at least my last five posts have been very similar in tone and content to this post. Sigh. Hopefully this time it will stick.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 382

So we whooshed right by the year marker without so much as a peep! I swear my life has been going at lightning speed lately, and I haven't even been that busy. The good news is that I'm down another 2.something pounds since my last post, putting my at 182.4. The 170's are so close I can almost taste them! The bad news is that it took me more than a month to lose it. I mean, not that I'd ever complain about any amount of loss, especially seeing as how I've basically dropped all my good habits except the not-overeating ones. I've been great about portion sizes, which I think is what's saving me. But veggies - sigh. Counting calories - sigh. Limiting carbs - somewhat sigh. Exercise - SUPER sigh. I'm going to walk to work today, as I've been noticing lately how I haven't exercised AT ALL in at least a month. That's a super duper fail, Miss Campbell May. Super DUPER.

I think a lot of it is due to the emotional stress of the growing amount of days between today and the day I graduated, particularly in the lack of jobs (or even interviews) I've gotten in that time. Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly grateful for my job at the daycare - income is income, right? But I'd kind of hoped that after $20,000+ in loans and all those years of college education I would have something to show for it besides the same job I had in high school. Alas. That and the fact that I'm ready to move out. Really ready. But rent is a lot harder to pay without aforesaid college loans. Right now I'd have to be making almost double my current salary to afford the cheapest studio I can find in the (very extended) Atlanta area. Ugh. Life as an adult (an adult whose parents still pay all but her Netflix bills) is a drag.

But I had similar concerns a year ago, except there was always this little nugget of comfort in the fact that I was reinventing myself, living healthier and losing weight. Now that that's tapered off, even though I'm still losing weight, I'm missing that nugget big time. I don't know what it is about living with the parents that throws me off...but I settle into this state of complacency that I really hate.

So I'm actively looking for jobs (and apartments) in the hopes that I can break out of the current state of things and start moving forward again. I've planned some meals and I'm going to hit the grocery story tonight after work. I'm going to start logging calories and start exercising again. I'm also going to try to submit two job applications per day, regardless of the likelihood of getting hired, and I'm going to think positive! The next thing will come along soon enough. But if I can cling to my healthy habits, I know I'll have something to look forward to.

Thanks to everyone for putting up with my long silences! Once I get cooking again I'll definitely have some fun pictures to share!!

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 345 - Pictures from England

I thought I'd post some of these, since I can no longer take progress pictures in my old apartment. I'm going to have to find a place to do it in the house so I can keep up with my weight loss. But it was so cool to look at the pictures from our trip and find so many of myself that I liked! There were always those few that I didn't, but it's so awesome to see the change in my body on camera.

Hooray for liking to look at pictures of myself for once!

Day 345

Holy weight loss, Batman, can it already be October? That doesn't seem possible! I was under this crazy impression that I had posted recently. Clearly that was inaccurate. Yeesh.

So I hope you guys haven't given up on me just yet. I know I've been making a habit of disappearing for long spans of time, and I definitely took a break over the summer, but I am back and ready to roll. We are less than two weeks away from the one year mark, and I'm committed to getting back into my good habits of blogging, cooking, and exercising. Regularly.

It's been difficult to be consistent with things since I've moved back home, which I expected, but I'm still not sure exactly why that happens to me! Good news is I'm down to 184.6, another 5 pounds from my last post in August. That's about 1 pound every 9 days, which is definitely slower than I'd like. I expected to drop a ton of weight after our trip to England (which was awesome, by the way!), but despite the excessive walking we did and the relatively good eating habits I maintained, I only dropped about a pound. I'm hoping this is due to muscle gain, because we seriously walked everywhere. To the point where we were hurting! So who knows what happened there. Muscles, I hope.

The goal is to get back to where I'm losing 1.5-2 pounds per week, and to accomplish that I've snapped back on Phase One this past Tuesday. I've also been getting in the kitchen more often, and I hope to have some recipes to share this coming week! We just got a new double convection oven, which I'm SO excited about, so I'm ready to get cooking!

As usual, the other difficult part is exercise. The weather has been beautiful lately, and if I can just get myself out of the house, I know I will really enjoy walking more! It's one of those things where if you habitually force yourself to do something, it gets easier with each time. So I just have to take that first step! The nice thing is that I've done it before, so I know I can do it again.

So here's to getting to that goal weight! There have been lots of ups and downs with my weight loss journey this year, but happily it's been mostly downs (at least as far as poundage goes!). So here's to that last 15 until 170!

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Day 301...I'm BACK!

Wow, so did you guys think I fell off the face of the earth? Once I saw how long it had been since I'd posted, I was beginning to wonder the same thing! Let me start by reassuring everyone that my blog silence has not meant that I've fallen off the wagon in any way...I'm still losing weight and am committed to reaching my goals! I got a bit of summer fever and have been slacking off big time with maintaining those good habits of cooking meals and exercising regularly, but I am seriously ready to get reenergized.

As of yesterday I weighed in at 189.6, which is WAY exciting. It's definitely been a few years since I've been in the 180's! But it's not as much as I'd hoped I'd be down by now. I know why the weight has been coming off more slowly...I had a couple of not so great weekends, particularly the one of my birthday! I made my own cake, which was great fun, but I did way too much finger-licking. It reminded me of how easily bad habits can sneak back in. It also showed me, once again, how much sugar is my enemy. I wouldn't say that I overdid it with the cake...I ate way, way less of it than I would have in the past. But having that sugar in my system made me crave it for several days after having it. It interesting, because I noticed that before cake, when sugar wasn't in my system, it was way easier to resist...I rarely even thought about having it. But after the cake, it was a lot harder for me to pass up an opportunity to have sugar. I limited my portions when I did have some, but I wasn't able to easily walk by without a thought as I've been doing lately.

So objective #1 is to rule out sugar. I mean totally! I don't think it will be too hard, especially after I've seen the control it has over me...I'm ready to get out from under that for sure! It's especially hard at daycare, where people like to bring sweets around a lot, but I know if I can be strong and resist that stuff two or three times, it will start getting a lot easier, to where I'll be back to hardly noticing it.

Objective #2 is to be more faithful about blogging! I use the excuse that I'm not cooking, so I don't have pictures to show, but this blog isn't about pictures and cooking! It's about staying motivated and sharing my struggles with others. So I'm going to do that. Even if it's only two or three times a week, it needs to happen. Big time.

Objective #3 is to get back in the kitchen! I haven't been as good about it, just because I'm living at home and am not the only one that goes grocery shopping. And I've been lazy about planning recipes. So that's got to start again. I know mom is willing to help buy the things I need, especially if I do the actual shopping! So I'm going to get some menus going.

This is all starting now, even though there's only 11 more days till we're off for England where I will be out of my routines again. But I think it will be really good for me to be solid in my goals and objectives before I leave, so I don't lose track while I'm there. I'm sure I'll be getting more than the usual amount of exercise (another objective that needs to be revived), but I'll also be given more food temptations with all the eating out (and pubs!). I know my sister will support me (love you sissy!) and I'm sure I'll do fine. But I want to come back from England and jump on the scale to see the benefits of walking around so much, not the consequences of eating out and indulging myself too often.

So it's time to stop using summertime as an excuse (summer is basically over anyways, except for the weather) and buckle up for some serious business! I know I can do it! I'm going to keep chipping away, and I hope you'll all keep cheering me on! Love y'all!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 265

Here I am, finally, checking in for an update! I haven't been cooking a whole lot lately, which has made me lazier about blogging. But I have something to cook tonight, so I'll be posting that soon!

But I had to share some good news, as it looks like I hadn't updated my weight since May (shame!) and my measurements since April (double shame!). I'm down to 191.2 as of this morning, which made me do quite a bit of happy dancing...only 1.2 pounds away from the big FIVE-OH! I also lost another two inches off both my waist and hips, which is freaking awesome. Especially considering how irregular my exercise has been lately, that's great news!

I have, however, started dancing it out again, which is a great way to get moving indoors and also a lot of fun! I just crank up Pandora (yesterday I rocked out to the Michael Jackson channel) and start shakin' it like a fool, ever so grateful that there are no witnesses. :)

I have to say, though, I will be so happy when I have my own place again. Have I said that already on here? I mean, my parents are awesome and we get along great, but something about living on my own makes me much more responsible about eating and exercising. I think part of it is because I buy my own groceries and I'm the only one eating them, so it's easier for me stick with the program. Not that my eating has been bad lately, but it could be better (as usual)! So that's just extra motivation to get a good job and move into my own place!

So I'll try to be better about keeping everyone posted! I doubt many of you check the blog regularly anymore, as I've been so abysmally irregular about posting, but I'm going to try to get better! I think it will really help once I get a solid routine in place. Hopefully that will happen very soon!

Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 253

Hello all! I finally got some pleasant news on the scale this week! It's been sort of a difficult few weeks, what with taking a break from my pills and battling the munchie feeling all day everyday. But I hopped on the scale Tuesday, just to see what the damage was, and instead found that I'd lost 2 more pounds! That leaves 18 more to go before August 29, so I've got my work cut out for me.

I know I haven't been the best at keeping up with the blog, but I promise I haven't fallen off the wagon! I don't count calories every day, but most days I'm pretty good about it. I took GiGi for a walk last week first thing in the morning, which felt great, but I have to work up the willpower to drag myself out of bed on a daily basis. Some of the ladies at daycare are doing a zumba class once a week, so I might start doing that, which would help a lot! But as long as I can stay on top of my eating, things should keep going as planned.

Still, it's become clear to me these past few weeks sans medication that I still have some eating issues to deal with. Not that I expected my new habits to stick overnight, but I had hoped I would have a little more control over cravings and such than I used to. But old habits die hard, as they stay. Just gotta keep chipping away at 'em.

But finding myself two more pounds down really gave me a boost! It's funny how weight loss makes me want to put more effort into my if only I had the cash money (and goal weight) for a shopping spree! Soon, though. It will be so awesome when I finally get there.

So that's that for now! Hopefully I'll have some yummy meals to post soon. Thanks guys! Y'all are awesome!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 242

So I'm finally hauling myself over here to catch up with everyone! My last post was more of a "I promise I'm still alive" than an actual post, so I'm here for a long overdue real post.

Things have been going pretty well, especially considering I've been taking a vacation from my pills and thus have had more appetite than usual. I had a few days where I definitely overate, and had to rein things back in big time. But I got back to counting calories towards the end of last week, so that's been helping a lot.

Alas, as a result of my slacking in the eating department, my weight has kind of plateaued at 196. But I'm determined to go down another 20lbs by the time Lindsey and I leave for London at the end of August, so I've got to get serious! I'm going to have the house to myself next week - Mom is in Arizona until the end of June and Dad is going to visit her for a week starting tomorrow, so I'm going to have to be extra on top of it with my eating.

Exercise has been pretty hard, too. Daycare wears me out, which is part of it, but the other problem is that because my hours are always different, it's very hard to get myself into a routine. Maybe I'll start taking walks in the evening, as the weather usually gets pretty bearable after the sun starts going down. The toe should be ready to go back into a shoe (again) very soon, so hopefully I can make that happen.

It's a little scary being off my pills, as those feelings of being out of control of my eating have been coming back with a vengeance. But counting calories has really helped my feel like I have power over it. It's definitely a whole different thing without chemical assistance, and something I need to get used to and overcome. So I think this is good for me.

And now for the food pictures! I had a preview in my last post, though it wasn't the best quality. These might be a little better, though they were all taken with my phone. We had the following one night last week...

Creamy Cauliflower Purée (aka Cauliflower Mashed Potatoes...also so so yummy!)

Roasted Red Snapper Fillet (also incredibly yummy!)

Yep, that whole dinner was a total win! Everything in it was so good...I wish I could make it every night!

Another night last week we had something else pretty tasty...

I love SkinnyTaste! This was also perfectly delicious. I LOVE coconut so this was perfect for me! Will definitely make it again.

So I'm on my own next week, but I plan to get busy and do some cooking. And exercise. Lord knows my room and bathroom could use a good scrub down! Luckily I'm working mostly afternoons this week at the daycare, which will give me some extra time to get things organized. Gotta keep on keepin' on! Wish me luck!