Sunday, October 2, 2011

Day 345 - Pictures from England

I thought I'd post some of these, since I can no longer take progress pictures in my old apartment. I'm going to have to find a place to do it in the house so I can keep up with my weight loss. But it was so cool to look at the pictures from our trip and find so many of myself that I liked! There were always those few that I didn't, but it's so awesome to see the change in my body on camera.

Hooray for liking to look at pictures of myself for once!

Day 345

Holy weight loss, Batman, can it already be October? That doesn't seem possible! I was under this crazy impression that I had posted recently. Clearly that was inaccurate. Yeesh.

So I hope you guys haven't given up on me just yet. I know I've been making a habit of disappearing for long spans of time, and I definitely took a break over the summer, but I am back and ready to roll. We are less than two weeks away from the one year mark, and I'm committed to getting back into my good habits of blogging, cooking, and exercising. Regularly.

It's been difficult to be consistent with things since I've moved back home, which I expected, but I'm still not sure exactly why that happens to me! Good news is I'm down to 184.6, another 5 pounds from my last post in August. That's about 1 pound every 9 days, which is definitely slower than I'd like. I expected to drop a ton of weight after our trip to England (which was awesome, by the way!), but despite the excessive walking we did and the relatively good eating habits I maintained, I only dropped about a pound. I'm hoping this is due to muscle gain, because we seriously walked everywhere. To the point where we were hurting! So who knows what happened there. Muscles, I hope.

The goal is to get back to where I'm losing 1.5-2 pounds per week, and to accomplish that I've snapped back on Phase One this past Tuesday. I've also been getting in the kitchen more often, and I hope to have some recipes to share this coming week! We just got a new double convection oven, which I'm SO excited about, so I'm ready to get cooking!

As usual, the other difficult part is exercise. The weather has been beautiful lately, and if I can just get myself out of the house, I know I will really enjoy walking more! It's one of those things where if you habitually force yourself to do something, it gets easier with each time. So I just have to take that first step! The nice thing is that I've done it before, so I know I can do it again.

So here's to getting to that goal weight! There have been lots of ups and downs with my weight loss journey this year, but happily it's been mostly downs (at least as far as poundage goes!). So here's to that last 15 until 170!