Monday, November 7, 2011

Day 382

So we whooshed right by the year marker without so much as a peep! I swear my life has been going at lightning speed lately, and I haven't even been that busy. The good news is that I'm down another 2.something pounds since my last post, putting my at 182.4. The 170's are so close I can almost taste them! The bad news is that it took me more than a month to lose it. I mean, not that I'd ever complain about any amount of loss, especially seeing as how I've basically dropped all my good habits except the not-overeating ones. I've been great about portion sizes, which I think is what's saving me. But veggies - sigh. Counting calories - sigh. Limiting carbs - somewhat sigh. Exercise - SUPER sigh. I'm going to walk to work today, as I've been noticing lately how I haven't exercised AT ALL in at least a month. That's a super duper fail, Miss Campbell May. Super DUPER.

I think a lot of it is due to the emotional stress of the growing amount of days between today and the day I graduated, particularly in the lack of jobs (or even interviews) I've gotten in that time. Don't get me wrong, I'm incredibly grateful for my job at the daycare - income is income, right? But I'd kind of hoped that after $20,000+ in loans and all those years of college education I would have something to show for it besides the same job I had in high school. Alas. That and the fact that I'm ready to move out. Really ready. But rent is a lot harder to pay without aforesaid college loans. Right now I'd have to be making almost double my current salary to afford the cheapest studio I can find in the (very extended) Atlanta area. Ugh. Life as an adult (an adult whose parents still pay all but her Netflix bills) is a drag.

But I had similar concerns a year ago, except there was always this little nugget of comfort in the fact that I was reinventing myself, living healthier and losing weight. Now that that's tapered off, even though I'm still losing weight, I'm missing that nugget big time. I don't know what it is about living with the parents that throws me off...but I settle into this state of complacency that I really hate.

So I'm actively looking for jobs (and apartments) in the hopes that I can break out of the current state of things and start moving forward again. I've planned some meals and I'm going to hit the grocery story tonight after work. I'm going to start logging calories and start exercising again. I'm also going to try to submit two job applications per day, regardless of the likelihood of getting hired, and I'm going to think positive! The next thing will come along soon enough. But if I can cling to my healthy habits, I know I'll have something to look forward to.

Thanks to everyone for putting up with my long silences! Once I get cooking again I'll definitely have some fun pictures to share!!