Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Day Thirteen

Another day, another dollar! It was a pretty good day today. I didn't cook as many fun things as yesterday, but I did make zucchini pizza (that's right, I ate zucchini!!) which was SOOO good!

Didn't get any exercise you can probably tell, that's always my downfall. It rained all day today so I couldn't take a walk...I should have tried to dance it out or something. I really need to get a wii or something so I can play DDR at home! It's nice to have an indoor option besides just dancing like a fool to random music, especially when Karlee's home.

I suffered from a few temptations today, mostly from sweet stuff...I blame this on the fact that Karlee is keeping a jar of icing in the fridge and it's got my mind on sugar! But I stayed away from it. Peanut butter is my new sweet tooth soother, though I have to be really careful with it, since it's so high in fat and calories.

Anyways, zucchini pizza! I got the recipe from Kalyn's Kitchen again (I love her blog! She has sooo many great South Beach recipes!), and they turned out great, even though I left them under the broiler a bit too long (hence the rather blackened cheese)

But they still turned out sooooo good! I highly recommend them.

Here's food for the day - 

Multigrain Cheerios w/ skim milk — 150 (just realized today that I haven’t been including the milk! Oops!)
1 Egg cup — 160
Coffee w/ creamer - 60

Zucchini pizzas — 200

Spinach, goat cheese, and turkey pepperoni omelette — 190
2 Morning star veggie sausage — 160

12 Almonds — 65
2 tablespoons peanut butter — 200
Sugar-free pudding — 60
10 olives — 50
1 Slim jim — 40 (finally finished them off! Don’t think I’ll be getting those anymore)
Greek yogurt w/ strawberries — 140

Total: 1475

Yeah, today was a little rough on snacking...I've got to pay more attention to the munchie feeling. I've been letting it get a little out of hand.


Jane said...

I love the photos! That zucchini pizza looks delish. Might have to try it.
Keep up the exercise if you can. it's the best way to get your metabolism to rev up and burn the food off. Without it, your metabolism will slow down and you'll have to work at it harder. Muscle burns more calories, so the more muscle you build, the easier it is to lose weight.
love, Aunt Jane

Unknown said...

I'm making those zucchini pizzas ASAP. they look delish. btw love that you had breakfast for dinner...old memories:) easy exercise when it raing-walking/running up and down stairs, skip a step while walking...etc. plus youtube has about a HUNDRED THOUSAND 5 minute exercise tapes that target abs, legs arms, etc that you can do in front of your computer...look it up! love youuu

Campbell said...

Aunt Jane - Thanks! It really was. Thanks for the encouragement on exercising...I know I need to just get out and do it! The hardest thing, I think, is getting in the habit!

Linz - do it! Check out the original recipe...I think it might be better on the eight ball zucchini she uses, but I couldn't find it at Wal-mart. Lol...breakfast for dinner is still my favorite! I'll have to check out the youtube exercise videos...good idea, thanks! I think netflix has some too...I'll have to gather some resources, lol. Love youuuu too!!

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