Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Day Twenty-Six

Home free! Got through my test and papers, and I've got nothing else due until the Thursday after Thanksgiving! So I'm going to just kick back and enjoy the rest of the week. Okay, I do have reading to do, but that won't take me too long. Hooray for the holidays! I'm looking forward to seeing some of you over Thanksgiving!

I got my 30 minute walk in today! It had been raining all day but when I got home it had stopped so I threw my tennis shoes on and got out there before it started up again! It felt so nice out, and the sun even peeked through the clouds every now and then.

Sadly, food was boring, boring, boring today. I had to get lunch at school so I wouldn't be starving during my test, so I grabbed an Odwalla bar. Not the best choice...high in carbs and not even very tasty. Oh well...I'll plan better next time! It will be good once I get home on Thursday and can start cooking fun things again. I haven't had anything green in way too long!

Today's food:

Kashi w/ milk - 186

Banana nut Odwalla bar - 220

Leftover steak - 215
Scrambled eggs/egg beaters w/ cheese - 299

Pistachios - 170
Gala apple - 53
Reduced fat peanut butter -100
Sugar free jell-o - 60

Total: 1303


Jeano said...

Go to the grocery store you nut and buy some green and something for your lunch. You can always bring it home. A bar is going to leave you starving, I think. So happy you were able to beat the rain and get out and enjoy the beauty of the day. Looking forward to seeing you soon. I think I'm back in the saddle of the blog. Enjoy some down time and will we see you Thurs? We want to play tennis.... xoxoxoxo

Jeano said...

Ha. Somehow they renamed Momma Jean to Downsizing me. Hee hee. I am such a computer whiz. Come home so you can get me straight. The knitting ladies are asking for you. Mom.

Campbell said...

I know, I should, but I'm broke and I have a ton of stuff to eat up! I have stuff for lunch, but I usually wait to eat on Tues/Thurs until I get home from class...today, though, I got hungry before my test and I never think well on an empty stomach. But don't worry, I won't be relying on those bars...they're 220 calories each, and totally not worth it! Yep, you'll see me Thursday, but probably not until around 4 or 5. I'm going to try and leave right after class so I don't hit rush hour, but I probably will anyways. I'll call you when I leave.

Lol, how in the world did you manage that? I'll definitely have to get you straightened out. Can't wait to do knit night this Tuesday!

Unknown said...

LARA BARS. do you never listen?? see you thurs!:)

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