Sunday, November 7, 2010

Day Seventeen

So I got my first stuffy nose of the season! I blame it on going home this weekend, where we have to use the heat. Here at our little townhouse, we haven't had to turn ours on yet. For some reason, the cold doesn't get in as much. Which is good for us, because it definitely makes the electricity bill look a lot friendlier! Anyways, I'm hoping that if I run my humidifier for a couple of nights it will go away. I am NOT looking forward to cold season at ALL. Plus, I can't taste all the delicious things I've been making (if I do say so myself) if I'm all stuffed up. I know what my mother would say...drink lots of water! So I'll try that too.

We ate out again today, but I managed to do better than yesterday. We went to BBQ1 (best barbecue I've ever had, at least within Georgia state lines) and I stayed pretty healthy with chicken, green beans, and cole slaw. The cole slaw was probably pretty sugary, but, well, you can't win 'em all. In any case, I stayed within my calorie expectations. Which is always good!

Also, a shout out to Aunt Lindsey, who gave us the food processor I used for the first time today to make my chicken salad! It's so fun to have my own. I discovered that I can slice things and grate cheese with it too! It's like getting a new toy. I'll have to take pictures when I try out the slicer. Should be fun.

Spinach and goat cheese omelette (basically my favorite omelette of all time) - 116
2 slices Canadian bacon - 70

Chopped chicken breast w/ bbq sauce - 280
Green beans - 54
Cole slaw - 85

Chicken salad w/ salt, pepper, and 1 tbsp mayo - 261
Salad w/ spinach, olives, feta, and turkey pepperoni and olive oil/balsamic vinegar dressing - 169

1 tbsp peanut butter - 100
2 Greek yogurts - 280

Total: 1415

Thanks to everyone! I appreciate y'all!


Jane said...

Sorry you're sick, Darlin' -- but better a cold than the nasty stomach bug going around. I'm hoping to miss both.
Don't feel badly at going off the diet on special occasions. The object is to reduce your weekly calories, learn to really like healthy food and get enough exercise to boost your metabolism. And you're doing great!
Week three already. Hug yourself for me!

Campbell said...

Hey Aunt Jane, just realized I never replied to this! Thanks so much for the comment and the encouragement! You're awesome!

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