Sunday, October 24, 2010

Day Three

I was less creative with food today...I had the spinach and goat cheese omelette for breakfast and dinner. I guess I kind of ran out of gas tonight. I was supposed to make chicken and eggplant casserole, but it got to be 7:00 and I just didn't have it in me. Plus I didn't have a casserole dish. So that's for tomorrow.

I don't know why the energy plummeted so much today. I have a feeling it's got something to do with the sudden carb cut-off. I did better with snacking, but I didn't get out and exercise. Of course, my goal is to exercise 4x per week, not every day, but I tend to feel a lot better on the days I've done even a little bit of dedicated exercise. Next time I've got to make myself get out even if I have zero energy, because I know it makes me feel so much better!

The good news is that my roommate is back so I'm not all alone with the cat anymore! A day or two of quiet is nice, but she's been gone since Wednesday, and it got a little too quiet after a while. I would have gone out and done something with friends, but my academic goal for the weekend was to get a headstart on my Shakespeare paper, which is due next Monday, right after fall break. Since I'm visiting Ginny that weekend, the idea was to get as much done on the paper as possible this weekend so I'm not stuck doing it in Asheville. So I pretty much holed up all weekend. Anyways, I think Karlee (my roommate) is going to be a lot of help in getting me out to exercise, since she likes to walk and stuff. It always helps to have an exercise buddy!

But yeah, I'm pretty beat at the moment. But it's really helpful to have this blog, so I can sit down and reflect on the day and see where I went wrong. Usually I don't do much reflecting, because I'm too busy worrying about what I have to do for tomorrow! So this is good for me.

Here's the eating run-down for today:

Spinach and Goat Cheese Omelette
Morning Star Veggie Sausage

1 serving of Spinach Souffle
2 cups V8 juice
Low fat String cheese
(I was kind of at a loss for lunch today. I need to buy some lunch meat and maybe some good cheese for breadless sandwiches, especially during the week. Anyone have any quick, easy, low carb lunch ideas?)

Spinach and Goat Cheese Omelette (again)

Sugar-free Brown Cow Jr. (2)
Low fat string cheese (2)
Baby Carrots (around 5)
A few peanuts (like 5 or 6)
(Anyone have any good suggestions for low calorie/low carb snacks? Maybe something salty or crunchy?)

So as you can see, today was a little repetitive food-wise. Must get better about planning ahead breakfast and lunch as well as dinner. And starting dinner before 7. The good news is, I ate lots of spinach! Pop-eye would be proud.


pickles said...

Campbell, I love reading and thinking about you everyday. We are all behind you here at The Hester Household 100% and will try to comment very regularly so you know that we're not only reading we are rooting for you! It does make us all feel so much better when we get out and exercise even if it is only for a little while. Trick for my brain is to tell myself, go ahead just for 15 minutes and of course when I get out and get going more, if it doesn't though I have at least gotten out, but usually I frighten myself and even enjoy it! ha ha Love you BABE and this is so exciting we are able to be apart of your journey. Aunt Robyn

Neil DeRosa said...

Try some of those South Beach snacks. Laughing Cow cheese and celery is good. Deserts are Ricotta cheese (low fat), vanilla extract and chocolate pieces. keep at it girl. Love, dad

Campbell said...

Thanks so much Aunt Robyn! It means the world. You guys are awesome. Good idea with the exercise...that's usually how I work to. LIke the other day, when I went for a walk, I told myself I'd only go around the neighborhood once, and ended up making a second lap. I just have to keep that up. :)

Thanks Dad, those are great ideas! I forgot about the ricotta cheese dessert. And I have a whole thing of cocoa powder in the cabinet I need to use up. I have some Laughing Cow in there, but it's the sundried tomato flavor and I don't like it so much. I'll get some celery and see if it's any better on that. Thanks again! Love you!

Jane said...

Campbell May,
Got room for one more Aunt to cheer you on? I figure you can never have too many! I am SO excited you're making this leap. And doing the blog is brilliant! We won't hound you if you slip...we all do. And never eating ANYTHING fun may make you crave it more. Hopefully your body will get used to your new routine quickly and stop alerting you hourly to a lower calorie count. I'll have to think about great snacks. The greek yogurt is a wonderful choice! I also love almonds. For lunches, I love salads with either lunch meat or beans or hard boiled egg plus cheese, etc. Cottage cheese with fresh fruit is another good snack. I even put cinnamon on mine.
You can do this girl! We are all on the sidelines cheering you on! And we'll be as proud of you as YOU will be. A new life awaits you. Love you SO much! -- Auntie Jane

Dr. Ann DeRosa said...

Are dried cranberries a carb? I like them mixed with almonds. yummy. what about hummus? tabouleh? The last two things taste so yummy with extra lemon squeezed on top--good antioxidants there. Cayenne on the almonds not a bad idea either.

You are the absolute best Campbell. Keep writing! you do it soo well!

love, love, AA

Campbell said...

Aunt Jane: Of course! You're so awesome! Thanks so much for the suggestions, I'll definitely have to try them.

AA: I think cranberries are, but I can probably have a few mixed with almonds. That sounds good. And I love hummus! I'm going to have to get some of that too, great suggestion. Thanks so much!

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