Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Day Six

Not really in the mood to write right now (been working on Shakespeare paper all afternoon) but I need to do it before I get too sleepy!

It was a pretty uneventful day. I know, great way to start, right? Let's see...I went to class. Came home. Messed around a bit. Buckled down and worked on Shakespeare paper. Realized it's 8:00 and I'd better start writing about day 6! I need make sure I do at least one exciting thing per day, just so I can have something to write about. :) We were supposed to go to the UGA campus ghost tour tonight, but it was cancelled because we're under a tornado watch. Alas! But Friday is our fall break and I'm headed up to Asheville for some vacay! So I'm trying to get as much done as I can before then. Wait...I think I've explained this already. Anyway...

Food was pretty unremarkable today too, although I did make a pretty tasty salad for lunch. Oooh here's something - I hard-boiled eggs for the first time today! Very exciting. I put them on the salad, and it was yummy.

It's weird, my appetite seems to have kind of petered out over the last couple of days. I mean, I get hungry, but food is not as big of a deal to me or something. Maybe the structure of South Beach helps me not think about it so much? I don't really expect it to last, but it's nice for now!

Okay, I have a confession to make. I'm going up to see Ginny this weekend, as you all know, and our annual tradition at Halloween is to grab one or two bags of candy and a few scary movies and indulge in some trick 'r treat nostalgia. I've been debating what to do about it all week, because I know it won't be as much fun without the candy, but I know it's not going to look good on the calorie count when I have to post it on here. I was thinking of a compromise...getting candy, but making healthier choices, grabbing something sugar or fat free and then dividing it into servings so I don't eat too much. After all, I'm not going to be on a diet forever, and I was thinking it would be a good way to help train myself not to overindulge. Is it bad to have a splurge day every now and then? I don't know. I'm kind of torn about it. I don't think it will throw me off track or anything, so long as I approach it in a thoughtful, intentional manner and then go right back to South Beach the next day. What do you guys think?

Anyway, here's what I ate today...

Multigrain Cheerios - 110
Non-fat Greek Yogurt w/ Blueberries - 140
(I know, same thing again...I'm waiting for my silicone baking cups to arrive so I can start making South Beach egg cups for weekday breakfasts)

Spinach, tomato, avocado, and egg salad w/ dressing - 290

15 almonds - 94
Non-fat Greek Yogurt, Vanilla - 120
(I haven't really eaten dinner yet, so this is just what I've had so far)

2 Slim Jims - 80
Cottage cheese - 180
Brown cow jr - 80

Total: 1094

Kind of low again. It's because I haven't planned dinner ahead. Must get better about that next week! My goal is to set aside some time this weekend to plan out all meals for next week. I know it will help me a lot.

No pictures today, sorry! My salad was pretty, but after I put the dressing on and mixed it up it looked kind of ugly. Next time!

You guys are incredible! Your support has made this sooooo much easier on me. Love you bunches!


Unknown said...

ugh you are my hero....i'm coming to athens soon so you can cook for me, yeah? Keep up the good work (and the salad haha) Love you sissy!!

Dr. Ann DeRosa said...

Candy Schmandy! don't trounce on all the good work! Just get some snacks that are inventive, creative, local, organic and scrumptous. That's real candy!

Dr. Ann DeRosa said...

PLUS! You are our inspiration!!!! Lead on o fearless and cute leader!!

Jeano said...

I agree. You and Ginny can support each other and start a new tradition. One that feels better to your bod maybe... get creative. Love you bunches. You are having salad! That is huge. I love your honesty, babe. It's not easy. Keep up the good work. Cold turkey is helpful. Even w/ So. Beach they have you add things gradually. Sugar may not have the same pull as it has in the past. Good luck. I know you'll make a good decision. Love U.

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