Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Day Five

Wow, it's almost been a full week! Doesn't seem like it's been that long. Everything has been going pretty smoothly today...Karlee and I didn't get around to our walk, since it was 82 in Athens today and we just couldn't bring ourselves get out and get all sweaty. Plus she has a bad cold and wasn't really in the mood. So I danced it out again for about 25 minutes while I was waiting for  the chicken and eggplant casserole to cook (yes! I finally made it! But more about that later) and it felt great! Luckily Karlee was at chapter so she wasn't around to witness my total lack of rhythm.

I failed to walk to or from Biology today like I intended to. :( Again, I blame the heat. Plus it's kind of a haul. With lots of hills. But I'm going to keep working on it! I'm determined to do at least one week where I don't ride the bus before the semester is over.

Morale is still high, though. I had a fair amount of munchie feeling today (and even started eyeing Karlee's Butterfingers dangerously) but resisted without too much trouble. Like I mentioned, it really helps to be in class for the first half of the day, because I don't think about food at all until I'm actually hungry. I need to find a better take-along snack for Tuesdays and Thursdays when I'm on campus until 2. Today I brought Slim Jims (a suggestion I found for low carb snacks on some website), but they're really greasy and don't make me feel good afterwards like the other stuff I've been eating. So I've got to do away with those.

As for the chicken and eggplant casserole...FAIL. Not that I didn't make it right - it was really quite pretty and smelled good. But I just didn't like it. Too many mushy things. I have a food texture issue, lol. I even put myself through chopping up an onion (my eyes were burning and I had tears streaming down my face pretty much instantly) and it just wasn't that good. Now I have a whole casserole dish of food I probably won't eat. Sigh. I hate wasting food. Another one of my eating problems :) But at least I learned that I don't mind eggplant too much! Here are some pictures...

Also, a random observation: with carbs (mostly) out of my life, I find myself using the fridge much more often than the pantry. Hmmmm.

So this was the menu for today:

Multigrain Cheerios (don't judge me!) - 110
Non-fat Greek yogurt w/ blueberries - 140 (I'm addicted to this stuff. So good!)

2 slices of turkey - 50
10 turkey pepperoni - 41
A sprinkling of cheddar cheese - 40
Raw broccoli  - 30

Few bites of chicken and eggplant casserole - approx. 50
Non-fat Greek yogurt w/ honey  - 140 (Told you. Addicted.)

Sugar-free Brown Cow Jr - 80 (I only had one today!)
Handful of almonds - 70
Light string cheese - 50
2 Slim Jims - 80

Total: 881

Yikes. That doesn't seem like enough. But I'm not hungry...trust me, I'm not one to starve myself. Maybe I'll have some V8 juice before bed, just so my stomach doesn't start growling in the middle of the night! :)

Now I'm going to get all cozy in bed to watch Glee before I have to go to sleep. Thanks again, guys, I love all of you!


pickles said...

Campbell, love the pictures it adds alot to your blog but can we see your beautiful face sometimes too:) MaryElliott is waiting patiently for a turn to read your blog so i won't be too long wishing you the best for your journey.
Everyone here is asking everyday....have you read Campbells blog???? So, we are all behind you and are thinking of you....I think I am with you on the eggplant thingy...pretty but....good try though! Love ya, Aunt R

Campbell said...

Lol sure...I was thinking of doing a vlog (video blog) every now and then, so that might be fun.

You guys are so sweet and awesome! It really means so much. Thank you thank you thank you!

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