Monday, October 25, 2010

Day Four

Better day today! Don't know what made the difference, but the energy came back. I didn't have my pills today either, and I was a little worried about being overwhelmed by cravings, but I ended up doing fine. I didn't get any dedicated exercise again, but I walked around campus, then spent an hour and half trolling Wal-Mart with Karlee. I won't say it was aerobic in any way, but at least I was moving around! We're going to try and do some serious walking tomorrow, so that will be good.

I got a few low carb snack ideas, like turkey pepperoni and deviled eggs. Will probably make the deviled eggs tomorrow. I also had a really delicious salad for lunch today, as pictured below...

Alas, the chicken and eggplant casserole was thwarted again tonight. Karlee and I ran around town doing errands and didn't get back until 8, and I had totally forgotten to defrost the chicken. I'm determined to make it for tomorrow though!

What else to report? Walking past the table of cupcakes and halloween treats at Wal-Mart was surprisingly easy. I mean, they looked good, but something about committing to this diet thing has me in a mindset were I know I can't have it, so I don't really miss it much. Yet. :) I considered buying some sugar-free candy, but then realized I was probably better off doing without. Eating a bunch of sugar-free candy isn't changing my habits, it's just business as usual with slightly healthier food. So we're avoiding that. I do have the sugar-free brown cow jr. pops that I'm kind of addicted to, but I can't really binge on those and it's a nice treat to keep me sane. :)

Another good thing this is helping me do is eat a real meal for lunch rather than just munching around and not paying attention to what I'm eating. I often skip lunch or just snack until dinner. This way it's a much more conscious thing, and I'm not ravenous by the time dinner comes around.

Anyways, today's food was:

1 cup Whole Grain Cheerios (I know, not phase one, but they're only 110 calories per serving and I have a bunch of it in the pantry that I'd rather not waste. Plus I don't really have time to make eggs during the week)
Non-fat Strawberry Greek Yogurt - 140

Balsamic Tomato and Mozzerella Salad (South Beach recipe...YUM YUM YUM) - 250

Meat and cheese plate w/ turkey slices, turkey pepperoni, and fresh mozzerella cheese - 304
Spinach souffle - 200

Brown cow jr. (2) - 160
Almonds w/ sea salt & olive oil - 85
Slim jim (2) - 80

Total: 1329!

Can that total be right? It feels like it should be more...for the first time today, I didn't feel that hungry, or like I hadn't had enough to eat. I'm definitely going to have to make that salad again, it was really good.

Thanks to everyone for you continuing encouragement! It's really been keeping me going. I love you all!


Jane said...

Four days down — that's more than half a week! Woo-hoo!
Breakfast and lunch are more important than dinner. Breakfast kick starts your metabolism, and lunch keeps you revved up! Plus you won't feel deprived. Another good snack is edamame with a sprinkle of sea salt. Or a hard-boiled egg with mustard on it. Or apple slices with peanut butter. Or celery with peanut butter or pimento cheese.
Do you have stairs in your house? On days I don't get much exercise, running up and down the stairs a few times gets my heart going. I loved your idea of dancing for 30 minutes too! Excellent plan and it's just fun!
Picture Josh Groban dancing with you! :-)
Onward to tomorrow...another energetic day I hope. love, Auntie Jane

Jeano said...

You are the bomb! I love Aunt Jane's comment. You are very sensible and I love how you think.... I think the candy might just send you back"). HA I love the celery and cheese thang..Anyway, I think you are doing a great job and I can't believe you are going to graduate.... You'll be ready! Love U babe. Stairs are good on rainy days too. Remember how I used to tour around our house that way????

Dr. Ann DeRosa said...

BUT eggs are so awesome to burn calories. I've been putting them off in favor of oatmeal and I'm beginning to look like a bowl of oatmeal. Again, you inspire us all to do better.

Your writing is absolutely captivating. Such a brilliant cunning and beautiful princess. Love you, love you!!!


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