Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Day 110

Yikes, I didn't realize it had been eight days since my last post! The time really gets away from me sometimes. But I'm here now!

This post was meant for last night, but my homework ended up taking longer than I expected and I was up until 10:30 finishing it. So we're doing a daytime post instead!

First item: So, as expected, my weight did go up a pound when I weighed Friday morning. But it's no big deal...after measuring myself, I've found that the pounds matter less than the feeling that I'm being healthy. The real reward is seeing inches coming off! So I'm going to stick with the program and hopefully there will be some good news on the scale this Friday.

Second item: I finally got around to planning dinners for the week and stocked up on groceries! Here's what's on the menu:

Cobb Salad (my recipe)

Tuesday (today)






Looks like pretty yummy week, eh? I also have it on my mind to try Susie Bee's tasty-looking Blueberry Banana smoothie sometime this week, so I'll let you know how that goes.

This particular grocery trip was somewhat of an adventure, as I was supposed to buy ham hocks for the split-pea soup. Let's just say I took one look at them and declined. Gross. I think I'm going to try using bacon instead. I know people use ham hocks all the time, but after I looked it up on Wikipedia and started think of them as pig ankles, I couldn't handle it. I would never survive as a vegetarian, but I can sympathize. I don't like being able to visualize the animals I'm eating. Ham hocks actually look like pig ankles. Ew.

Yesterday, I made a delicious Cobb Salad for dinner (and had the leftovers for lunch today). 

Now I know what you're thinking...that doesn't exactly look like the healthiest salad. And I would agree. Bacon is never the healthiest choice - it was definitely a treat. BUT, it's a good hearty meal if you're craving a good hearty meal. It's also low carb and has green things in it and beats a cheeseburger hands down! And it's filling and delicious.
Here's my informal recipe:

A few handfuls of spring mix greens
Goat cheese
Canned corn
Canned black beans
Fresh diced tomato
2 slices bacon
(You can also add a hard-boiled egg, but I decided that, with the bacon, the salad was already fattening enough! Maybe I'll swap it out for the egg next time)

I also made a low-fat spicy ranch dressing:

Low-fat sour cream
Ranch dressing mix (I just kept adding until it tasted right)
Cayenne pepper
Black pepper 
Hot sauce
(I like spicy, in case you weren't sure)

As you can probably tell, I'm not much of a measurer when it comes to cooking. I usually just add until it tastes the way I want it to. And with a salad like this, that pretty much always works! 


So we're having shrimp tonight! I plan to get my homework done earlier today so I can actually post tonight. That reminds me, I better go get the shrimp out of the freezer.

Love y'all!


Mom DeRosa said...

I am hungry looking at the yum. We had fruit salad for dessert as I had a big lunch, but now I'm wishing that salad was in my fridge. You are inspiring. Hope you can get out and exercise this week. It is quite freezing. is there a treadmill in your ex room? Love U babe. Was great having you home. xoxo Mom

Mom DeRosa said...

PS I like your new format.

Campbell said...

Thanks! Yeah, I got out and got a walk today. We do have a treadmill, but it's kind of ghetto. I always prefer to walk!

I thought of you today when I was boogying around downstairs to Michael Jackson. Have you listened to your new workout playlist yet?

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