Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 102

So, in continuing this dialogue of success, I had to drop in for an early post to announce that I lost another 2.4 pounds! That's right, folks...I got to see the number 15 on the scale today! I actually reweighed myself three times to make sure it was accurate, because the last time I weighed in (I think it last Friday or Saturday morning) I was still at 218.

Now, to be fair, I weighed in at noon instead of first thing in the morning, so I'm not going to panic if it's a little higher on Friday morning. But it just felt so good to see the scale go down, I had to do a little trumpeting!

It's especially encouraging considering the fact that I've been struggling a little lately.

Here are some more cool news:

1. I've lost an inch from my neck, two inches from my waist, and four inches from my hips!! I hadn't thought to measure until now, and I'm SO glad I did! I haven't really felt the difference in my clothes yet, but to see actual inches coming off, well, that was really cool.

2. On my walk today, as well as the past few walks I've taken, I've noticed that it's taken me around two minutes less to make my four laps around the neighborhood. When it started, four laps took me an even 30 minutes...lately it's only taken 28. I take this as a sign that I'm getting in better shape, and therefore walking faster! It looks like I might have to add a fifth lap soon. :)

I've thought of another important reason for me to keep this up: simply to prove to myself that I can see something like this through. For most of my life, I've been kind of notorious for getting really gung-ho about something, then dropping it like a bad habit (except a lot of times, it's a good habit!). Sometimes this happens because I found something else I'm more interested in, and other times it's because whatever it was got too hard. So really, this is also a test of my ability to stick with something that challenges me. I know that passing that test will boost my confidence far more than smaller waist ever could.

Thanks to everyone who left such sweet comments on my last post! It means so so so so much!!


Unknown said...

cam! you are awesome!! I went to dinner with the rents today and told them about your 215 and they were so excited!! I'm can't wait to see you on Sunday for dunk's performance! love youuu!

Campbell said...

Thanks sissy! Love you so much, can't wait to see you!

Jane said...

Isn't it exciting to see visible progress? Yahoo!!
You can do this. You're proving it already!

Unknown said...

Yay Campbell! Very proud of you!

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