Monday, January 24, 2011

Day Ninety-Five

Wow! Can you guys believe it? We're coming up on the 100 day mark! I never dreamed I would make it this far. So awesome.

So I started the week off right by taking my 30 minute walk around the neighborhood. It was actually a pretty day, despite it being kind of cold. I realized it's going to take some work to get myself back into the good habits I had going before Christmas. I came back from the walk a little more winded than I used to! But the important thing is that I got out and did it! Hopefully I can keep it up for the rest of the week.

I missed my Friday weigh-in this week, as I went home for Mom's birthday, so I'm going to try to remember to do it first thing tomorrow morning. I guess I could do it tonight, but the scale is always much kinder in the AM! So we'll get that going tomorrow. I did have birthday cake over the weekend, but I'm hoping it didn't throw me off too badly.

The goal for this week is to get back to planning meals and finding some new recipes. I have a bunch of veggies in my fridge going bad right now! I skipped lunch today, which was not the wisest choice...I know that if I plan ahead, I won't end up doing those sorts of things.

While I think that magic period of "This is so great, I love this, this is easy!" has passed, I'm still on track and am determined to see this thing through. I've dealt with more cravings lately than usual, and made the mistake of bringing some things into the house that keep me from making healthier choices. So I'm going to try to nix that. The good news is that I've found a form of exercise (the walking) that I enjoy and that I foresee myself continuing in the future. That's a huge step for me, as exercise has always been my biggest struggle. We'll keep plugging away at the food thing, too. The biggest thing is planning, as well as having strategies in place for when cravings hit. Gotta stock up on sugar-free gum!

All in all, the outlook is quite positive! I look forward to more success, and can't wait until I finally get to go down a pant size! That, my friends and family, will be cause for celebration. And shopping.

Love you all! Hope life is treating you well!

Today's Food:

Kashi Berry Blossom cereal w/ milk - 200
Coffee w/ creamer - 80

Trader Joe's cheddar corn puffs - 140
Apple - 80

Spinach and Chive Linguine w/ marinara, ground turkey, and goat cheese - 294
Green beans - 80

Reduced fat peanut butter - 150
Kettle mix 100 calorie pack - 100

Total: 1124

So as you can see, I went a little overboard with carbs today. I've got to get out of that habit! I think I lose much better with carbs out of the picture. Might be back to phase 1 for me very soon!


Unknown said...

The linguine sounds good! Glad to see you posting again.

I tried (and love) a new quick and healthy breakfast you might be interested in:

Campbell said...

It looks delicious! I'm definitely going to have to try it. Thanks!

Neil DeRosa said...

Glad to see you're back in the saddle again. Hurray for walking! Love you, Dad.

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