Monday, January 10, 2011

Day Eight-One

So it turns out, all the panic over snow yesterday was somewhat justified! We got a whopping 8 inches of snow in Athens last night, more snow than I think I've ever seen in Georgia! And I've lived here my whole life. So not only was school cancelled today, but tomorrow too. I'm not sure when the snow will melt to the point where the roads will be safe's supposed to be pretty cold all week. I would rejoice in the extended vacay, but I have a feeling I'll start getting pretty bored sitting around here all week. Hopefully everything will be up and running by Wednesday! Here's a picture from last night:

Dang! That's a legit blizzard!

Though it wasn't a long one, Karlee and I took a walk around the neighborhood in the snow. We only made it around one lap, but the snow made walking a bigger challenge than usual! We were pretty cold by the time we got back in, but it was nice to get out in it. If only we had a sled! Here's a snowman one of our neighbors made:

We intended to make our own, but by the time we got out, the sleet had created a hard layer of ice on top of the snow, making it pretty hard to work with. So we just admired the neighbors' efforts. :)

Eating wasn't exceptionally good or bad today. I'm realizing that it's going to be harder than I thought to curb the not-so-great habits I descended into over the holidays (namely, eating without keeping track), so I'm going to have to get strict and start keeping a close eye on what I'm munching on. Especially today, being trapped inside and thus in extra danger of bored-fueled munchie feeling, I had a hard time putting a cap on it. It didn't help that I hadn't taken my ADD pills. I didn't go over my calories, but I didn't make my best choices either. So that's something to work on.

Tomorrow I plan to trudge down to the gym and get some real exercise. Or maybe do another dvd workout! We'll see how it goes.

Today's food:

Cascadian Farms Cinnamon Crunch - 270

Low-carb bread w/ reduced fat peanut butter - 200

Goat cheese omelette - 180
Veggie sausage - 160

1 tbsp reduced fat peanut butter - 100
Sugar free pudding - 60
Smart balance popcorn - 100
Whole grain cheerios - 200

Total: 1270

No fruits or veggies! For shame! I didn't really get any at the grocery as Kroger was out of almost everything. So as soon as I can get out of the house I'm going to head back to get some fresh fruits and veggies. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day, for both eating and exercise!


Jeano said...

Hey Babe. Glad you're getting back into a routine. Will we ever get back to school? I'm enjoying this. I recovered the chairs in kitchen, hung a pic in your room and gave you a new lamp. It looks very cozy in your room. See you soon. Get some fruit! :)

Jeano said...

PS. Thrilled to hear that Karly is getting on a health kick. That will help to encourage each other and have an exercise buddy. Good luck. xoxo

Jane said...

Woo-hoo! You're back. Happy New Year.
And congratulations on maintaining your weight over the holidays! That's fabulous!!

Hope you're staying warm.
I made a big pot of soup yesterday. Wish I could feed you some.

We keep some frozen veggies around just in case of no fresh ones. There are so many wonderful combination packs. Plus I always have edamame and peas in the freezer too. They make a good combo as well. Stir-frys with a frozen veggie pack and some chicken or pork and a few tablespoons of a sauce or soy sauce make a quick, delicious meal.
There are more and more decent frozen entrees too. I tried a Kashi Chicken with Lemongrass recently which was quite tasty.

I'm thrilled to hear that Karlee may not put temptation in front of you as often. It's hard to turn down a warm cookie. But out of sight, out of mind.

Keep up your momentum! And get some exercise too.

love ya.

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