Sunday, February 13, 2011

Day 115

So this post was intended for Friday, but then, of course, the weekend happened! So this will be a combination of end of the week/beginning of the week posts.

First of all: Sigh. The scale did not yield the happy news I had expected. Gained .4 pounds. I can't decide why this is, as I've been sticking to healthy eating and exercise. But I do know that, if I keep at it, eventually the scale will go down. This is the point at which, in the past, I would have started getting discouraged. I might have even let the disappointment get to me and resorted to fast food/candy to dull the ache.

Thus, it was a HUGE sign of how my habits are changing when, on Friday after the second disappointing weigh-in in a row, I resolved to redouble my efforts instead of sabotaging myself. I went out for my walk with renewed determination and worked it, thinking not about how nice a cheeseburger would taste, but about the great calories I was burning!

Because the fact of the matter is, even if the scale doesn't look like I want it to at the end of the week, you just can't go wrong with healthy eating and exercise. Eventually, you're going to lose weight. On the other hand, if you get discouraged and let your good habits go, weigh-ins are going to get increasingly depressing. DUH. So I'm not letting myself get down about it! I sat down and laid out my meals for next week, and I'm ready for another week of regular blogging, cooking, and being healthy! I won't be defeated that easily!

For dinner on Friday I had black bean burgers. The black bean soup, in case you were wondering, has been postponed indefinitely. Here are the burgs:

I don't know. They were okay. Might have been better on a bun. I'm not sure what I did wrong, but they were kind of crumbly and the flavor wasn't that great. I tried to adapt them from two different recipes, and I think I cut out too many things. After enjoying everything else I made this week, there was bound to be one not so great meal! I was inspired by this awesome black bean burger I had at the 5 Seasons Brewing Company in ATL a little while ago, but mine wasn't nearly as good. Oh well.

So here's next week's menu:








Can't's looking like a very exciting week! We'll see how it goes! Love you awesome people!

1 comment:

Jeano said...

So I just sent a post and it said it was from Lindsey, so I signed in as me and my post is gone. I just said....I am coming for dinner. Glad you're not going to get discouraged. Drink water! And we're coming to see you soon. xoxoxoxoxo Happy Valentines Day. Love U. Yum food for the week. Have a great one. Mom

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