Thursday, December 2, 2010

Day Forty-Two

So I missed blogging yesterday, as I was up until around 11 finishing my Native lit paper. But I got it done! Today was the last day of Tuesday/Thursday classes, so we're getting very close to the end now. The end of the semester, that is.

I did my 30 minute walk yesterday but skipped it today. I guess I was so happy not to have anything due tomorrow that I just kind of wanted to take the time to catch up with all the other parts of my life that I've had to put on hold for schoolwork! Like cleaning, working like mad on my knitted Christmas presents, and getting some meals lined up for next week. But, as I've observed in the past, I felt like something was missing from my day without my walk. I always feel much better at the end of the day when I've done some exercise. I also meant to get to the grocery store today, but didn't make it. That will have to be for tomorrow! I'm going to a writing workshop that Jackson Pearce is holding at UGA tomorrow until 3, so I might not make it to the grocery store until Saturday, but we'll see.

Anyways, I'm rambling. Unfortunately, I got an attack of cravings today. I think a lot of it has to do with not having certain strategic foods in my arsenal. It really helps to have something like Greek yogurt or fat-free whipped cream or sugar-free popsicles if I have a sudden attack of the sweet tooth. Fruits and veggies for quick snacks. Something exciting to cook for dinner so I feel like I'm spoiling myself. Without those good things I get bored, and the cravings set in. I satisfied the sweet tooth with a tablespoon of peanut butter, but I could feel the munchie feeling coming on pretty strong. So I sat down and kept my hands busy with knitting and I didn't go overboard. But I can't wait to get to the grocery store, because I know it will bolster my morale!

Plus, I know the blog is getting a little boring without pictures! Definitely need to get back to doing that.

By the way, a big huge HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my little sis! Love you!

Today's food:

Multigrain cheerios w/ skim milk - 225
Coffee w/ creamer - 60

Chick-fil-a Southwest Chargrilled Salad - 317

Scrambled eggs w/ spinach, goat cheese, and mozzerella - 193

1 tbsp peanut butter - 100
3 Turkey bites - 40
Black beans - 55
Pistachios - 85
Box of raisins - 130

Total: 1205


Unknown said...

thanks for the birthday shoutout!!! woo!!

Jane said...

Darn! I missed another birthday. Happy Belated, Lindsey!

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