Friday, December 3, 2010

Day Forty-Three

It's Friday! Only 10 more days of the semester and I can actually start my Christmas season! I meant to weigh in this morning, but totally forgot...somehow I got on my Tuesday/Thursday schedule this morning and ended up walking into class 2 minutes late, which never happens to me. I'm always at least 20 minutes early. I swear I'm losing my mind. I've also put open cans of wet cat food in the pantry instead of the fridge twice in the past two days. And I keep leaving out random words when I'm writing. And I keep dropping stuff all over the place. Either this diet is messing with my head, I have a brain tumor, or it's finals season. :) Maybe some combination of the above.

Okay, so back to weight loss related things! I took a 25 minute walk today in between my last class and the writing workshop I went to, which ended up being really interesting. But I didn't make it to the grocery store. So that's happening first thing tomorrow. I think once I get food in the house and get cooking again I'll get the boost I need. I'm especially going to need it with all the Christmas sweets that I'll be surrounded with for the next month or so!

I'm also on the lookout for healthy cookie recipes! Because what's Christmas without cookies? But I'm hoping I can find some low-sugar recipes so I don't feel like I'm overindulging. So we'll see how that works out.

Today's food:

Multigrain cheerios w/ skim milk - 225

Nature Valley bar (I know, not the best. But I was stuck on campus and it was the healthiest thing in the vending machine) -190

Spinach and goat cheese omelette - 263
Turkey bacon - 70

1 tbsp reduced fat peanut butter - 100
Pistachios - 85

Total: 933


Lindsay Hebrank said...

your blog is so inspirational! keep up the good work.
also, good luck on finals! i don't know how you keep a healthy diet during such a stressful time. i'm already on my second bag of cookies.

Jeano said...

HA! Lindsey H eating 2 bags of cookies??? Never! Hey Babe. I read an article today that says if you can maintain your weight over the holidays you're doing good! Balance the treats with veggies, water and exercise. You're already on a roll with that. Keep up the good work. See you Friday for tree shopping. Good luck on your revision. Love U. xoxoxo

Campbell said...

Lindsay: Thanks! It's not easy, but I've been doing okay so far. My finals won't start until next week, so I'm going to have to be extra on top of it then! Good luck to you too!

Mom: That sounds like a plan. I think the cookie bake will be the worst of the temptation...but I'm going to try to make something South Beach friendly. :) Thanks!

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