Saturday, December 18, 2010

Day Fifty-Eight

I have just been the most terrible blogger lately. I haven't had much to report this past week, as I haven't been cooking like I should, nor eating like I should. Funnily enough, when I say I'm not eating right, I mean I'm not eating enough...a very uncharacteristic position for me to be in, but I've been suffering from on and off nausea and a general upset stomach all week...nothing too serious, but enough to make me not too interested in eating. So, despite the fact that I haven't exercised since Monday (I know, it's terrible!!), I lost another three pounds between yesterday and my last weigh in. While it's always exciting to lose weight, that's not the way I want to lose it. I know my metabolism must be slowing down. But I have a feeling it will be hard for me to fully get back on track until Christmas is over. It's just way too easy to get sucked into vacation mode.

But my goal for next week is to exercise at least three times, even if it's cold, wet, etc. Exercise is truly the key to feeling better about myself. The healthy eating is also good, but the endorphins really make it happen for me. :) So if I can manage three times, I'll be satisfied.

I know I haven't been the best with keeping up with the blog, which I blame on being off my routine, but as soon as Christmas is over I'm going to try to get back to posting every day and keeping up with calories. The good news is, I have stayed very consistent with my eating, at least as far as staying away from non-South Beach things goes! I've been sticking pretty close to phase two. My biggest fight is getting veggies in! We're going back to the grocery store this weekend, so I'm going to try to stock up on a lot of different veggies so I can have some variety. I have been eating lots of spinach, as usual, but I definitely need to branch out some.

So thanks, everyone, for your continuing support! We're going to be doing a lot of cooking for a dinner tomorrow, so hopefully I'll have some great pictures to show. Love y'all!

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