Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Day 265

Here I am, finally, checking in for an update! I haven't been cooking a whole lot lately, which has made me lazier about blogging. But I have something to cook tonight, so I'll be posting that soon!

But I had to share some good news, as it looks like I hadn't updated my weight since May (shame!) and my measurements since April (double shame!). I'm down to 191.2 as of this morning, which made me do quite a bit of happy dancing...only 1.2 pounds away from the big FIVE-OH! I also lost another two inches off both my waist and hips, which is freaking awesome. Especially considering how irregular my exercise has been lately, that's great news!

I have, however, started dancing it out again, which is a great way to get moving indoors and also a lot of fun! I just crank up Pandora (yesterday I rocked out to the Michael Jackson channel) and start shakin' it like a fool, ever so grateful that there are no witnesses. :)

I have to say, though, I will be so happy when I have my own place again. Have I said that already on here? I mean, my parents are awesome and we get along great, but something about living on my own makes me much more responsible about eating and exercising. I think part of it is because I buy my own groceries and I'm the only one eating them, so it's easier for me stick with the program. Not that my eating has been bad lately, but it could be better (as usual)! So that's just extra motivation to get a good job and move into my own place!

So I'll try to be better about keeping everyone posted! I doubt many of you check the blog regularly anymore, as I've been so abysmally irregular about posting, but I'm going to try to get better! I think it will really help once I get a solid routine in place. Hopefully that will happen very soon!


Lindsey D! said...

lets start doing ddr again! Do we still even have it? lol you are awesome and I can't wait to see you tonight! yayayy

Jane said...

Yahoo! A post. Yes, I haven't checked for over a week evidently.
Welcome back! And congratulations on your weight and measurements.
Even if Mom and Dad's refrigerator is a temptation, you must be doing something right to keep your losses going. Fabulous!!

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