Friday, July 1, 2011

Day 253

Hello all! I finally got some pleasant news on the scale this week! It's been sort of a difficult few weeks, what with taking a break from my pills and battling the munchie feeling all day everyday. But I hopped on the scale Tuesday, just to see what the damage was, and instead found that I'd lost 2 more pounds! That leaves 18 more to go before August 29, so I've got my work cut out for me.

I know I haven't been the best at keeping up with the blog, but I promise I haven't fallen off the wagon! I don't count calories every day, but most days I'm pretty good about it. I took GiGi for a walk last week first thing in the morning, which felt great, but I have to work up the willpower to drag myself out of bed on a daily basis. Some of the ladies at daycare are doing a zumba class once a week, so I might start doing that, which would help a lot! But as long as I can stay on top of my eating, things should keep going as planned.

Still, it's become clear to me these past few weeks sans medication that I still have some eating issues to deal with. Not that I expected my new habits to stick overnight, but I had hoped I would have a little more control over cravings and such than I used to. But old habits die hard, as they stay. Just gotta keep chipping away at 'em.

But finding myself two more pounds down really gave me a boost! It's funny how weight loss makes me want to put more effort into my if only I had the cash money (and goal weight) for a shopping spree! Soon, though. It will be so awesome when I finally get there.

So that's that for now! Hopefully I'll have some yummy meals to post soon. Thanks guys! Y'all are awesome!

1 comment:

Jane said...

Welcome back! I've missed you — and your meals and musings.
Gigi needs to be more persistent in dragging you out of bed each morning. It would do you both good! Exercise is key to getting off a plateau. Push a little and you will be rewarded.

And I'll help fund the shopping spree!

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